I have leprosy, I am “Unclean”

leperIn the days of Jesus, just like today, there were people who were labeled “Unclean”, second class citizens, looked down on by society. You know the outcast, those laying on sidewalks asking for money (this is not my view of them only referring to most in society), those who have to register as sex offenders and are posted on that website exposing their shame, cons, thief’s, etc. These men and women during Jesus’ time who had leprosy (an infectious skin disease which attacks a persons nervous system) became the outcast from society and often from their own families for fear of spreading the disease. It’s also reported that even some priest would pick up stones to throw at them if they got to close. Kinda hard to go to church or bible study under those conditions wouldn’t you say? When they came close to people they had to shout “Unclean” to warn others to keep away (kinda like a sex offender has to register). “Unclean” Wow, does anybody care what these people were going through? Would anybody stand up and defend the outcast, the second class citizen, the after thought? They must have longed for a cure, for deliverance, for a savior. But for centuries nobody came. Then one day along came, no not “The Michelin Man” it was Jesus full of mercy and compassion. When they saw Him at a distance they shouted, no not “Unclean” but instead “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” After obeying His instructions, they were healed along the way. One, out of gratitude came back and with a loud voice gave glory to God and fell at the feet of Jesus to thank Him. What do you think would happen if we as the hands and feet of Jesus welcomed the outcast. You know all those I listed above and perhaps others that popped into your mind. Maybe they’d be singing a different tune. Perhaps God has a new song for them to shout. I was reading in Luke chapter 15 the other day and I came to the section in which Jesus tells the parable about the 100 sheep and how one of them got lost. The owner of the sheep left the 99 to go after the lost one and after finding it he rejoiced with his friends because he found the lost sheep. Jesus ends the story by saying something powerful. “There will be more joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who don’t need repentance”. Wow, that’s pretty deep Jesus! Are you saying that there’s more joy in heaven over one sinner repenting than 99 Christians going to church on Sunday? I wonder if as a church our focus is a little off. I wonder if as a christian I need to also leave the 99 and go after the lost one? Maybe the “Unclean” one.

22 thoughts on “I have leprosy, I am “Unclean”

  1. Wonderful word for our day. I was told, by a Christian man no less, that there are those in society that will never be able to change–that we should and must make sure they don’t “sneak” their way into our churches and cause harm. I was sorely disappointed and realized that there are Pharisees still today who would rather throw stones than reach out. However, on the other hand, I have seen many of the “outcast” come to faith in Christ and have their lives restored. Thank you for this message.

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  2. Great perspective and gut check for Me! God definitely spoke through you! I believe Christians attract the outcasts because they see something different in us which is the Holy Spirit and Jesus! It is up to us to embrace them and show the love of Christ. Thank You for sharing!

    Enjoy Your Blessings!

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  3. Wonderful, Michael. I spent a lot of time with the homeless population. I had a small taste of the compassion of Jesus as I hugged the stinky smelly “unclean” people in Chicago. Ben may have hit on something as I was a magnet for the lowest of the low. Perhaps they saw the Holy Spirit in this imperfect vessel. I know that if given the opportunity I also would pursue even one for His kingdom. Not that I am a saint, more because I am a sinner once unclean who experienced the unconditional love of Jesus when He should have stoned me. As one who thanks Him every day of my life, I say “AMEN. ” Lets drag the unclean to the front row of the church and treat them as royalty. If that was the example of Christ, how can we do less?

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    • Wow! What an amazing word Angelmom. No one needs to light a torch in a room full of lights instead they are taken into dark places to bring it to light. We need to open the church doors not to let in the world but instead to let out the church. Carry your torch Angelmom!

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  4. Thank you for that post. I am the woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery, the woman washing the feet of Jesus with my tears. I know what He rescued me from and now I tell others to love the unlovely. Don’t turn away. God longs to build a powerful testimony in their lives! Our job is to love them all the way to the foot of the cross and then beyond.

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  5. This was really good I enjoyed this so much. We all need to be more compassionate and trying to help those who fall short or don’t know God! I know we all have been in those unclean shoes and there are still times we fail him but praise God I know where to go to get clean.Love and prayers to all!!

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  6. Breakingstronholds316, welcome to the platform. A kingdom strategist in the making? Yes I think!
    Wonderful blog—-the terms are still the same…clean and unclean…and if we recognize ourselves as in need of being clean—we are crying out for Christ’s righteousness…And a fullness of that is given to all brothers and sisters…what an inheritance!

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